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Study Abroad Events

Program information meetings, scholarship workshops and more!

SBCC Study Abroad offers free information meetings and workshops for everyone interested in the programs. 

If you would like to receive information and reminders about specific program information meetings, please join the email list by completing the information in the pop-up box upon leaving this page. Should the box not pop up, you can also contact and request to be manually added to any lists. You can unsubscribe from any list at any time and will only receive information regarding the specific topic you sign up for. 


English, Art History and Italian Language in Rome, Italy - Spring 2025


Rome spring 2025 program poster


This program and waiting list are currently full and no more information sessions will be held.




History, Global Studies and Sociology in Kyoto, Japan Spring 2025

No rsvp is required for in-person meetings. Some Zoom sessions may require prior registration to receive the direct Zoom link. Please contact the program director David Elliott for Zoom related inquiries or problems. 

Kyoto program flyer

WHAT: HYBRID Information Meeting 
WHEN: Thursday, August 29th from 3pm to 4pm 
WHERE: on Zoom and L137 (Faculty Meeting Room @ Luria Library)
Meeting ID: 396 295 2334

WHAT: HYBRID Information Meeting 
WHEN: Wednesday, September 11th from 3pm to 4pm 
WHERE: on Zoom and L137 (Faculty Meeting Room @ Luria Library)
Meeting ID: 396 295 2334

WHAT: HYBRID Information Meeting 
WHEN: Monday, September 23rd from 3pm to 4pm 
WHERE: on Zoom and L137 (Faculty Meeting Room @ Luria Library) contact David Elliott for Zoom link

Human Geography and Natural History in Sicily, Italy Summer 2025

No rsvp is required for in-person meetings. Some Zoom sessions may require prior registration to receive the direct Zoom link. Please contact the program directors Matt Kay or Geordie Armstrong at  or for Zoom related inquiries or problems and to confirm locations

Sicily SU25

WHAT?In person Information Session
WHEN? September 9th at 1:30pm
WHERE?  CESJ Student HUB (Campus Center, across from the cafeteria)
WHAT?In person Information Session
WHEN? September 10th at 10am 
WHERE?Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room L137 (West Campus)
WHAT?In person Information Session
WHEN? September 18th at 2pm
WHERE?Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room L137 (West Campus)
WHAT?In person Information Session
WHEN? September 19th at 3:30pm
WHERE?Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room L137 (West Campus)

WHAT?Zoom Session
WHEN? October 7th at 10am

In person Information Session
WHEN? October 16th at 2pm
WHERE?Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room L137 (West Campus)
WHAT?Zoom Session
WHEN? October 28th at 12pm noon
WHAT?In person Information Session
WHEN? November 6th at 1pm
WHERE?Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room L137 (West Campus)
WHAT?Zoom Session
WHEN? November 18th at 10:30am
WHAT?In person Information Session
WHEN? December 2nd at 2pm
WHERE?Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room L137 (West Campus)
Small Group and Intercultural Communication in Tokyo, Japan Summer 2025

No rsvp is required for in-person meetings. Some Zoom sessions may require prior registration to receive the direct Zoom link. Please contact the program director Mika Garard at for Zoom related inquiries or problems and to confirm locations


WHAT: In-person info session
WHEN: Tuesday, 9/24,  3:00 p.m.
WHERE: Luria Library (West Campus - L-137 Faculty Meeting Room)

WHAT: Zoom info session
WHEN: Wednesday, 10/9, 11:00 a.m
WHERE: ZOOM: Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

WHAT: In-person info session
WHEN: Tuesday, 10/29, 3:00 p.m.
WHERE: Luria Library (West Campus - L-137 Faculty Meeting Room)

WHAT: Zoom info session
WHEN: Monday, 11/18, 11:00 a.m.
WHERE: ZOOM: Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Intro to STEM and Studio Art in Germany, Vienna and Amsterdam Summer 2025
No rsvp is required for in-person meetings. Some Zoom sessions may require prior registration to receive the direct Zoom link. Please contact the program directors Raeanne Napoleon and Stephanie Dotson at and for Zoom related inquiries or problems and to confirm locations.


WHAT: Hybrid Info Session
WHEN: Monday, September 23rd at 2pm
WHERE: Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room (L-137) AND
Meeting ID: 863 5888 6285  Passcode: Summer25

WHAT: Hybrid Info Session
WHEN: Thursday, September 26th at 11am
WHERE: Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room (L-137) AND
Meeting ID: 863 5888 6285  Passcode: Summer25
WHAT: In person Info Session
WHEN: Tuesday, October 8th at 4pm
WHERE: Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room (L-137) 
WHAT: Hybrid Info Session
Wednesday, October 16th at 10am
Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room (L-137) AND
Meeting ID: 863 5888 6285  Passcode: Summer25
WHAT: Zoom Info Session
Monday, October 21st at 5:30pm

Meeting ID: 863 5888 6285  Passcode: Summer25
WHAT: Hybrid Info Session
Friday, November 8th at 11am
Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room (L-137) AND
Meeting ID: 863 5888 6285  Passcode: Summer25
WHAT: Hybrid Info Session
Wednesday, November 13th at 9am
Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room (L-137) AND
Meeting ID: 863 5888 6285  Passcode: Summer25
Art, English and Geography in Paris and London Fall 2025

No rsvp is required for in-person meetings. Some Zoom sessions may require prior registration to receive the direct Zoom link. Please contact the program directors Joy Kunz at  for Zoom related inquiries or problems and to confirm locations.

paris london

WHAT? In-Person Info Session
WHEN? September 9, Monday, 1:00
WHERE? Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room L-137, West Campus
WHAT? In-Person Info Session
WHEN? September 19, Thursday 2:30
WHERE? Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room L-137, West Campus
WHAT? ZOOM Info Session
WHEN? September 25, Wednesday 12 noon
WHERE? Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 3440 2091
Passcode: 334039
WHAT? In-Person Info Session
WHEN? October 7, Monday 11:30
WHERE? CESJ Student Lounger (in the Campus Center across from the Cafeteria)
WHAT? In-Person Info Session
WHEN? October 17, Thursday, 3:00
WHERE? CESJ Student Lounger (in the Campus Center across from the Cafeteria)
WHAT? ZOOM Info Session
WHEN? October 23, Wednesday, 2:00
Meeting ID: 851 7331 0333
Passcode: 615453
WHAT? ZOOM Info Session
WHEN? November 8, Friday, 12:00 noon
WHERE? Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 822 0678 9547
Passcode: 104224
WHAT? In-Person Info Session
WHEN? November 13, Wednesday, 1:00
WHERE? Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room L-137, West Campus
WHAT? In-Person Info Session
WHEN? November 19, Tuesday 2:30
WHERE? Luria Library Faculty Meeting Room L-137, West Campus
WHAT? Zoom Info Session
WHEN? December 9th at 12pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 2210 3043
Passcode: 053797
Earth and Planetary Sciences in Guadalajara, Mexico, in Winter Break 2025/26

No rsvp is required for in-person meetings. Some Zoom sessions may require prior registration to receive the direct Zoom link. Please contact the program directors Stephanie Mendes at for Zoom related inquiries or problems and to confirm locations.


WHAT? In -person information session
WHEN? September 17th at 2pm
WHERE? WCC 206 Raices Center - West Campus

WHAT? In -person information session
WHEN? September 23rd  at 2pm
WHERE? WCC 206 Raices Center - West Campus

WHAT? In-person information session
L-137 (Luria Library, West Campus)
 Tuesday, October 1 at 11am


WHAT? In-person information session
L-137 (Luria Library, West Campus)
Wednesday, October 2 at 10am

WHAT? Zoom Information session
Tuesday, November 19th at 1pm
ID: 81799157136  passcode: 020197

WHAT? Zoom information session
WHEN: Wednesday, November 20th at 1pm
ID: 88093728343  passcode: 433234

Other Events:

Financial Resources WS 91924WHAT: Financial Resources to Study Abroad  in collaboration with ¡Raíces, TAP, PRIDE, umoja, and EOPS: Learn about the SBCC Study Abroad programs and the many different financial resources available to you to study abroad. AIFS coordinator Paula Messina will will lead the workshop. Limited space available. 
WHEN: Thursday, September 19th at 11am 
WHERE: ¡Raíces Center WCC 206 (SBCC West Campus) & ZOOM




Past Fall 2024 Events:

Financial Resources workshopWHAT: Financial Resources to Study Abroad  in collaboration with CESJ, Umoja, ¡Raíces, TA and EOPS:
WHEN: Tuesday, September 10th at 12pm The HUB - CESJ Student Lounge - Campus Center across from the cafeteria
- Learn about the SBCC Study Abroad programs and the many different financial resources available to you to study abroad. AIFS coordinator Paula Messina will will lead the workshop. Limited space available. RSVP to no later than Monday, September 9th at 1pm PST
Can't make it in person? Join us on Zoom:


gilmanWHAT: Workshop for the Benjamin A Gilman Scholarship application due Octrober 10, 2024, for programs that start between December 1, 2024, to October 31, 2025
WHEN: September 12th from 12pm - 1pm
Florence program alumni Isabella Bartnick will be joining this session to share her experience with the Gilman application process, the Gilman program and her time in Florence. No RSVP required



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